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Join us on Sunday mornings at 10 am for worship.

If you are on our email list, you will receive worship details ahead of time. If not, you can find those details on our homepage


For most of the year, worship is held in-person in the sanctuary. In summer, select services are held outdoors in Memorial Garden or in the chapel. Locations will be posted on the homepage.


We also livestream all services which are held in the sanctuary. Our homepage always shows the livestream link or click the button below.


Woodfords Church has an Intergenerational Worship Service approximately once a month. Join us for this family-friendly service. The service includes youth participation, messages from our favorite Sunday School teachers and a sermon. Watch the homepage for dates.


Other intergenerational services, regular worship services, sermons, and musical pieces are available on our YouTube channel.


Visit our YouTube channel for past services, sermons, and musical pieces.


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