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It is with the contributions of our members and friends that Woodfords is a thriving church. Whether it's serving lobster rolls at our annual Downeast Fair or painting the Sunday School rooms, we all lend a hand.

Robert and the dogs 2022.png

Family Promise:  During the four weeks per year when WCC serves as a host church for Family Promise (a shelter for homeless families in Portland), we volunteer to prepare and serve meals, spend time with guests at dinner and in the evening, sleep in the church overnight, and help with set up and take down of the rooms. We also accept donations of household goods for Family Promise families that find homes. This program WORKS and we are proud to be a part of the transition to a stable life for so many families. 


Fellowship Events (Including Coffee Hour): Whether on Sundays after worship, or at a larger church event, what fun it is to gather together and have a good time!  We always need help with food prep (or bringing food already made), setting up tables, decorating for events, cleaning up our kitchen so it is spotless, and finally giving a high five to all the other workers and going home for a rest!  What could be more fun?


Greeters/Stewardship Testimonials: It is important in a large church to include moments when individuals offer a personal greeting to worshipers or an assist to a visitor trying to locate a particular service or meeting room. In a similar fashion, the personal testimonies of individual members recounting the contribution of Woodfords in their individual spiritual journeys captured in a brief stewardship moment help connect our members to one another.  


Sunday School Teachers: Is your child a member of our Sunday school?  We always welcome parents (and grandparents and non-parents) to participate in sharing their faith journey with our youth. We supply the lesson (or bring your own!) and you get the opportunity to share God’s love with our smallest members. 

Building Buddies: Are you good with a hammer? Even better:  good with a level and a hammer? Our Building Manager could use your help in doing light maintenance, including cleaning, painting, or a special project that requires a few extra hands.


Staff/Office Assistance: Help out our amazing staff with some general office/administrative tasks, including preparing mailings, stuffing bulletins, proofreading, answering the phone, making copies, and following up on questions and requests.

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