February 23
* Save the Date*
Woodfords Church
Annual Meeting
After Morning Worship Service
Interested in Learning More About Our Community of Spiritual Exploration and Practice?
Seeking community? New to religion? Just getting to know Christianity? You may be a cradle-born member of the UCC, or have been raised in another tradition, or you may be discerning how you feel about organized spirituality. Wherever you are on the spectrum of belief, and wherever you are on life's journey,
To learn more about Woodfords and whether it might be a good fit for your spirit, click below to send a message to our pastor, Alyssa.

with Bruce Canterbury
March 2nd, 11:30 am
What do Elvis, the BBC, Deodato, Professional Wrestler Ric Flair, Phish, the University of South Carolina Gamecocks, and Stanley Kubrick’s 1968 film2001: A Space Odyssey all have in common?
They have all used the initial musical fanfare, called Sunrise, from Richard Strauss’s orchestral work, “Also sprach Zarathustra” as preludes to their shows, acts, games or movies.
What most people don’t realize is that there are about 28 more minutes of music to this great work. Beautifully orchestrated for large orchestra - including organ - it will be performed by the Portland Symphony Orchestra in Merrill Auditorium on Tuesday, March 4.
Come learn more about this wonderful piece of music!
Events Calendar
Learn more about what's happening at Woodfords by clicking the Events button. We hope to have the chance to meet you sometime!
Nourishing Bodies
Many Thanks to Our Mission Partners for ...
(Click the logo for the organization's website)
Emergency Food Pantry
While Woodfords Church is in a renovation project,
we will be moving into a temporary home.
Site information will be updated in a few weeks.
For a list of other Portland food pantries, click here.